Logix provides customized solutions for resource managers; including wildlife habitat, cumulative effects management, reclamation, rare ecosystem accounting, and risk management. It is a modular assessment tool suite and includes a variety of subject-specific tools that have been tailored to unique environmental management applications.
SiteLogix provides Beckingham’s predictive ecological modelling foundation upon which all other Logix models are based. This tool incorporates field data, statistical ordination, and geoclimatic and ecological parameters to provide customizable programming options that suit the needs and interests of each client.
As the foundation of so much vegetation and community ecology, soils and soil health play important roles in the quality and productivity of natural and managed sites. SoilLogix provides key data for the management of soil resources, and the mitigation of environmental impacts. SoilLogix incorporates field survey data, statistical ordination and geological parameters into all assessments. These assessments can be customized to provide appropriate management data for a wide range of practices.
SeraLogix builds on Beckingham’s ecological modelling foundation by adding the ability to predict future growth trends following ecological succession, or the change in plant species dominance, and associated environmental changes as an ecosystem ages. SeraLogix incorporates field data, statistical ordination and ecological succession parameters in all assessments. SeraLogix provides predictive modelling options to suit the needs and interests of every client.
FloraLogix provides plant and plant community analysis and analyzes ecosystems for important habitat information, crucial to the management of rare plant species or targeted endemic plant communities. FloraLogix provides customizable management opportunities that enable clients to target specific plant species or particular plant communities and manage resources and activities appropriately.
FaunaLogix follows FloraLogix’s plant and plant community analysis by superimposing important wildlife habitats upon the Logix ecosystem and plant community assessments. FaunaLogix analyzes ecosystems for important plant and habitat information, crucial to the management of endangered wildlife species.
Built on Beckingham’s foundation of predictive ecological modelling, CarbonLogix has been specifically designed to calculate forecast carbon sequestration and storage at the tree-, stand- and landscape-level. CarbonLogix incorporates field data, statistical ordination, ecological parameters, and ecological carbon theory in all assessments.